Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock


I had a great night's sleep. Amazing what a night in a tent does to the appeal of sleeping in a strange bed.

We went canoeing today, another first for me.

It was fantastic fun. Instructor Pete reminded the kids of the basics, as they had been canoeing before on a previous trip. Then he had to teach me from scratch and I think I was able to pick it up quite quick.

We canoed out to the bothy this time, a far better way of getting there. The kids got a chance to play at the bothy for a while, then we set off again towards Seal Island.

We got followed around by a curious seal, but he was too far away to take a decent picture.

This is Instructor Pete as he accompanies us around Loch Linnhe.

I'll definitely go canoeing again. it was great fun.

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