Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Apartment life

A packed day. After a rather hectic morning, over to the music session. A surprisingly large turnout despite the Easter weekend, and a bit of a celebration afterwards for the birthday on Tuesday of one of the members. A gloriously sunny and wonderfully warm day, so it was good to have a balcony to escape to for a bit. Nice as it was, though, I don't think I could cope with apartment living. Still, at least it provided an opportunity for another reflection blip to add to the collection (and a sneaky SP thrown in for good measure).

Two of us had to dash off earlier than the rest so as to be in town in time for the live screening of Richard Strauss's Capriccio from the Metropolitan Opera in New York. It's quite a short affair, with rather an intellectual libretto, but there's some glorious music, the entire cast was wonderful, led by Renée Fleming in what has become her signature role. The screening ended around 8.30, after which we went straight across the road to the Mona Lisa restaurant for a bite to eat, then after that I made my way over to Carl's place, finishing the day with Rising Sun on TV (which I found surprisingly good).

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