A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Pot of Pansies

It's been a whirlwind of activity for the past four days. My beautiful niece, Kelly came for a quick visit and we made the most of it--squeezing in many hours of good talks and laughs. She really came to see her grandpa, who she is very very close with, so it is a bonus that he happens to live with us, so we could visit with her as well. I love her dearly.

Today is Mother's Day and because my dad wanted to 'take me' out for brunch, we had to choose a place that he would actually enjoy. That ruled out a few things: sushi, Greek, Italian, Spanish tapas, even burgers. He eats a very bland and simple diet and he enjoys it tremendously, so it was a small sacrifice to make. We went to Calamity Janes - where he ate just yesterday with Kelly. He would eat there daily if he could, switching off only to go to his other favorite cafe out in Big Rock. Pancakes, waffles, ham and cheese omelets, biscuits and gravy, and once in awhile an egg sandwich. That's about the extent of what he will eat. It works out great too because that is exactly what the hospital fed him while he was incarcerated a couple weeks ago. Incarcerated is what it felt like, I'm sure. He's so much happier now to be back home and moving about as he pleases.

We are preparing for our annual fundraiser garage sale here at our house next weekend. A year ago we we had our sale on this day and we had the grandbabies over too. My how they've grown in a year. Another reason to love blipfoto. It's a place to look back and see how much things change and how much things stay the same.

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