My Angle

By myangle

Fish and Chip Shop

Isn't he a lovely old man. The one next to me I mean!

Jo and I (mostly Jo) are caring for her Dad for the next week. Andy (her brother and Dad's carer) is taking a well earned break and has headed off to Perth for a holiday. Perth, Western Australia that is.

Jo and I picked Dad and Andy up from their place late this afternoon and then drove Andy to the airport. The traffic was a joke. It is a toll road out to the airport an I am always annoyed that we commuters have to pay for the privilege of driving on potholed roads which are choked with traffic most days. The state government is building a twin motorway but it is too little too late. It should have been done 10 years ago and will probably make traffic worse because more people will use the motorway. Aaaargh!

OK, rant over.

After dropping Andy off we swung by the local fish and chip shop and had dinner. Dad still loves his food and he was in quite a good mood tonight. I love it when he gives a genuine smile for the camera. Jo took the pic by the way. Can you see the family resemblance?

Jo and Dad headed off to his place after dinner leaving me in charge of the pets. Should be fun after a day of dealing with idiots at work.

New rant.

I had a 2 colour job which was supplied process although the client assured me it was spot. No, definitely not. Yes (says he) it is. No (says I) it isn't. He complains to the rep. Clown. I fixed it. He also couldn't work out our FTP which is a commercial brand and very easy to use, he couldn't make a 2 colour document and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't mind helping clients out, honest, but this little prat was convinced that I was doing things wrong. I felt like saying " You stick to design, I will stick to fixing your designs!" It is my job after all. I just get irritated when ignorance is covered by arrogance. The icing on top is that the client won't be billed for the hours of hand holding. At least I know my place in the scheme of things. Leave the design to the designers and the prepress to me. He gave me prepress advice which was duly noted, binned and I am sure will eventually end up recycled as toilet paper.

To be fair, I did several other jobs from professional clients. Amazingly there weren't any problems. Can't imagine why! At least while there are bottom feeders around I can feel safe in the knowledge that I will always have a job.

Now I know there are lots of wonderful graphic designer blippers. I love designers, really! I just hate arrogant little #$!!%, no matter what their career of choice...

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