One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye


That moving thing. Jay-zus. It does take its toll.
An emotional roller coaster an' all that.

To cheer myself up I've burned a compilation CD to play in the van tomorrow. Mimi and Luca are co-pilots. They have been taunting Finn all day, telling him that he would not be going in the van. I'll have to take him for a quick farewell spin around the estate or there will be (more) tears.

Tip of the day:
I found the ultimate excuse for taking photographs in places where people do not expect you to take photographs. As I went up to the lad in charge of the recycling center with my camera in hand I could tell that he was not going to let me take snaps. I just knew. And on the spot I came up with the ultimate excuse: "it's for my kid, he has to do a project on waste and recycling. It's his school project and the teacher will give him a good grade if he can provide a local dimension to his project". Not even the grumpiest of Fingal County Council employees will want to be the one who ruined a 7 year old's school project.

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