All Those Pretty Things..

By erinsharp

Bad Day...

Today started off okay, I mean my French Oral went much better than I expected and I went home early because like I mentioned before I had no lessons... But work made it all go down hill! =[ Some kids just don't know how to behave and it's really quite annoying because when it's rock climbing you're trying to teach them and they let go of the rope while belaying, or don't understand the whole safety side of things it can actually get really dangerous. And then I get blamed when one of the kids gets dropped, but in fact it's me who catches them...Grrr. It annoys me! Sorry... Annoyance over!

I do get on well with certain kids! Like M, She is completely insane! but she is lovely and just so funny! The things she comes out with are just so amusing :L I can't keep a straight face with her around! :L haha!

Anyway after work me and Ed went out of Wimborne to get a blip and we ended up at Horton Tower again :) We'd been here before but not really taken any photo's! This isn't a great photo I realise, but it's better than nothing! :)

E xx

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