Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

A Blip on time

All too aware that Mummy did not have a Blip for the day (not too uncommon, you might say these days), Reuben decides not only to not allow me to take photos of his feet (or rather he does, curling them up deliberately in really bad light as I planned to just take something out of DesperationBlipdom), but to lock me outside on the now cold balcony of their bedroom and seemingly, savouring the pleasure!

Callum's crib to the left, Reu's little bed to the right. One day I'll post some images of the new 2 story extension as it's rather beautiful and airy. This room has 4 windows, a skylight, vaulted ceilings and the patio doors so it breathes light just as I designed it.

Unfortunately a pretty sick day for Callum (hard to imagine from yesterday's Blip) who's spent most of it sleeping or snuggling into me as I read Beatrix Potter which lulled him into slumber. He's inherited my Saturday night fever and cough and us two sat barking away whilst Reu was at school and an eye hospital appointment (no real change, maybe marginally better), but nonetheless enjoying being at home.

As of tonight, Callum's fever's down a little and I'm hoping he'll sleep throughout the night.

Read one of Reu's favourite train books before bedtime and we worked on finding page numbers from the table of contents which he thought was rather hilarious. I've ordered some plastic money with a view to teaching him some basic maths. Who knows, maybe he'll like maths unlike his mama.

PS Got a note to say I didn't make it past round 3 of the X. Hey, I've had laryngitis on and off ever since the LA auditions so it's not such a bad thing.

PPS yesterday's rug is on the bedroom floor behind him.

PPPS I also played catch up a little...
Toy Story III
Ring of bright water
Los Angeles to London!
Heathrow airport
Who's at the door?
Jimmy jams

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