Pilfering Moments

By MomentMarauder


You see how this is on May 17, TUESDAY right? Yeah it's Tuesday. Tuesday=Drumline. Drumline=Work. Work=Ew. Therefore, Tuesday=Ew.
Augh. Drumline is a pain to me now, I'm supposed to memorize just about all of my exercises by next Tuesday (see? Tuesdays are bad). I have about...three of them memorized. They are all the EASY ones. The other...five or six are HARD. And in case you don't know, I'm HORRIBLE AT MEMORIZING. Doesn't matter what it's for, (piano, drums, textbook, birthdays, you name it)(and by the way, I need to be able to play them correctly with decent technique, I won't be able to play snare drum, and I'll play cymbals again. Not that I don't like cymbals, I'll just let my teacher, parents, brother and friends down...oh well)

WELL. Enough drumline ranting. Now I'll move on to my next topic
My next topic is:
Uh....well I don't really have another topic...all I have is drumline ranting...hm =/
And by the way, for all you drummers out there, don't you agree that traditional grip is just about the worst idea for right-handed people? (which let me remind you that most of the world is right-handed, no offense to you left-handers out there)

Well then....


Poems and
Are similar.
They both have a rhythm
Poems have
Iambic Pentameter
Drumming has

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