Desperately seeking

By clickychick

A Thank-you Present

The past 2 days had involved a lot of to-ing and fro-ing 20 miles up the road to hospital looking after The Mother. Today was similar, an annual appointments was due and yesterday I arranged another overud appointment. Unfortunately that had been made on the computer in the department so when the recptionist looked in the book she said they weren't expecting The Mother. I pointed. I know, it's rude to point, but I needed them to know where the appointment was. "The appointment is on THAT computer!"

So, all things sorted, we went for lunch. Afterwards The Mother fancied a look around the city shops. All the Blue Badge spots were taken andI found that many of the city-centre parking places had been replaced by paving and seating with a cathedral view.

You might say "They paved parking lots and put up a paradise! "

For pedestrians, that is, not the infirm or wheelchair pushers!

By the end of the day I was tired, my shoulders ached, I couldn't deny it. The Mother bought me flowers as a Thank-you present.

I'm sharing them here to thank you for caring over these days!

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