What A Day

Woken at 7.30am by a phone call from daughter (but hadn't realised what had woken me up)

Message from daughter at 8.30am - she wasn't feeling well ....... could we look after the Cygnet.
So I went over and collected him.

We had fun playing with the buzzing bee (he likes trying to immitate the sound it makes).
He had fun eating the bee.
He had fun with the furry cushion.

Later we went down the the shops where I tried getting a good shot of the Cygnets eye view (and failed).

So we went for a coffee and cake - well I did. SWMBO had a hot chocolate and cake.
The Gygnet had water and raisins (a some wee bits of cake - I think he likes going out with the wrinklies).

Then it was a nap followed by lunch and some more walking round the furnature before going for a walk to the playpark where he had a long go on the swing while we talked to his Grnadma and auntie who were there with his cousin.
He loves the swings but My God it doesn't half do my back in standing pushing him.

After the park it was home time where we found out that daughter has got the job she wanted and starts at the begining of July...........child freindly hours (yah!!!) and only 10-15mins drive (Thank God for that since SWMBO and I will be doing the childminding).

This evening I am out helping somebody work on the pictures - not really looking forward to it if I am perfectly honest.

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