Today was a day

Today's been okay really. I just wish I didn't feel so darned tired.

I got some sleep last night, so that was good news. Probably about five or six hours, so that's an improvement. My tiredness has accumulated all week and today, though, it came to head. I was cranky and short-fused.

No interval due to grounds duty and no lunch because of a House Choir practice. They made today seem really long.

Then I went up and helped JL to feed out in her neighbour's deer paddock. I drove the truck while she chucked the feed out of the back. Compo, the Springer Spaniel, kept me company. He's a sweetie.

I've never quite got over the whole seeing a paddock of deer and knowing that these beautiful, gentle creatures are being farmed for their meat. It just seems wrong somehow.

Then we walked the dogs for a while, before heading home.

I'm still in my coat, contemplating feeding the furry boys and doing the washing up. I'll get there.

I had a pretty picture all lined up, but the look on this girl's face made me decide to post this instead. After all, it's not every day I get to feed out.

Off out for fish and chips tonight.

Then early to bed.

Beer o'clock, methinks.


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