Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

We'll keep a welcome

I organise house lights to come on automatically and randomly while I'm away, just to fool all those nasty burglars who might be keeping an eye out for break-in opportunities. I don't know if this is an effective tactic or not, and I don't know if that's what the people who live in this house down the road from where I live have in mind, but it's the usual thing for their place to have all the lights on (indeed, tonight's display isn't the full works we're usually treated to, for some reason). Whatever the reasoning behind the lights-on policy, it certainly gives a nice warm, welcoming impression.

Today's weather report: dull, grey and uninspiring for the most part. I'm getting stuck in to another design job anyway (must get this one out of the way before heading for Barcelona at the end of the month), so I didn't venture out apart from grabbing the tripod and traipsing down the road to shoot this. Not much of a blip, but better than yet another tabletop macro of some ornament. (Mind you, I did consider offering a pack of my favourite rashers, since I can't help wondering why they find it necessary to offer a 'serving suggestion' for rashers.)

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