Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Mr buzzy bee

Here is Mr Bee ... Miss F & I went for a little walk today, that's about all I could muster ... I've woke up full of cold so popped to the chemist to stock up on eucalyptus & Lavender ... I feel like I haven't achieved anything over the last 10 days with us all being ill & quite frankly I've had enough ... I'm feeling so run down at the moment I'm not sure how much more I can take! It just seems to be one thing after another ...

Over the last 6 weeks or so I've been suffering with something that I just put down to allergies even though I don't seem to have any other symptoms, well I made the fatal mistake of googling this symptom more out of being intrigued not worried, well I wish I hadn't, I'm now left feeling super worried! And to top it off I can't see a doctor for 2 weeks!

A good night's sleep is much needed & hopefully I'll be feeling better in the morning x

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