Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Sunshine on a rainy day

Unfortunately there was only the latter but the weatherman promises for sunshine later in the week!

Lots done over the last few day's... I'm shattered ... I've just finished a Zumba class & in need of a shower! Docs tomorrow, I'm really hoping for a solution for my acid reflux, it's really getting me down & I'm trying so hard not eat this and to eat that, not to eat too much of this & that, I'm going to bed starving ... surely that's not right & although the outcome is I've lost a couple of pounds & I've finally plucked up the courage to weigh myself so hopefully next Monday I'll be able to tell you i've lost a couple more, however I'm still suffering every day with acid reflux, I can't possibly alter my diet any more ... or eat any less & I certainly can't reduce my portion sizes, i'll be left with nothing on the plate! The last lot of medication didn't help and I'm thoroughly fed-up with it! My fingers are firmly crossed for a solution!

Moan over ... other than that we had a nice stroll round Gratham Water today albeit a very wet walk, i'm hoping to take the kids back there over the week when the sun is shining. It's one of those place's we drive by frequently & promise to visit but never do even though we're only a tiny 20 minutes from it!

Oh well!

Hope you're all doing well fellow blippers! x

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