
By Barking


Autumn comes creeping
Slowly shrugs off her shiny summer cloak
Revealing rusts and golden hues
Nurturing berries bursting red
Staining fingers, lips and clothes.

Acorns, promising new life to come after
Winter's bleak blanket.
Spring seems far away
Now baked apples
Tea and toast and fireside tales
Longer nights of togetherness
Wrapped in love and layers of natural fibres
Are waiting in the wings for their curtain call.

A cruisy day today. Got up late, took Cousteau for a long walk with lots of other Vizslas and watched him run himself ragged.

Home to Canterbury, Sushi and poetry writing.

He's popped out and Cousteau and I are re-discovering old CDs we haven't listened to in a while (Toploader at the moment). I've just alphabetically re-ordered my CD collection - not enough room, will have to buy some more storage - and baked blueberry muffins.

Tired now. Canterbury and I are going to get a DVD and eat pasta while watching it.



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