Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould

Unusual car boot salesman.

This guy drove a hard bargain. According to him, he had dug up most of the trinkets on his stall from his back garden. In his collection was an old dog bowl, a dead bird he found on the pavement, a chewed up stick that he claimed to be 'antique', a 'haunted' mirror and a hand-me-down collar. I saw a half chewed up tennis ball that I liked and went in for the haggle. He was relentless, though, wouldn't paws in his effort to keep me at a high price. I explained that he was barking up the wrong tree with that price would have to go down, boy, down. I mean, throw me a frickin' bone... Sorry. But I can never resist an opportunity for a good string of puns. Maybe I should apply for work at a tabloid...

A real account of the day would be that it was rainy, grey, early, cold and the stuff at the car boot was mostly junk. No cameras. People selling stuff that they didn't want to people who didn't really want their stuff.

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