an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Peace Jumping

Daddy Day today and as usual after the little one pick up we headed for the skate park cafe. Toddler went to sleep quick on the way, not surprisingly as she woke very early this morning.

When we got to the skate park it was heaving with half term skaters. I got a tea and then Baby and I watched the skaters through the fence whist Toddler slept. Baby really enjoyed watching all the tricks and stunts, that was until he found a drain cover which seemed to be the most exciting thing he had ever seen. To the point where when I removed him from the drain he threw a complete baby wobbler.

Once toddler woke and once I could remove drag Baby from the drain we hit the aquarium again. I think I may have to reduce our aquarium visits, as Baby is taking too many behaviour tips from the fish. Yes tonight, once again, he unloaded in the bath.

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