A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Hen Freedom

The girls enjoy some freedom now and then, just like me. When I have time to relax for a bit on the back deck, I open the gate to their play area and let them roam. They will wander off down the road or into a neighbor's yard if I don't keep an eye on them. All I have to do is walk up near them and then run in the direction I want to herd them and they run as fast as they can behind me. And until you've seen a chicken run, you have no idea how silly it looks. Add me to that equation and it's downright hilarious. One day I'll get a video of this scene.

Dad has been acting strange lately. It's so tricky to pinpoint exactly what is going on, because what I notice first is that I'm extra-irritable. But when I slow down to observe what is happening it seems that he's not feeling well, but doesn't communicate this to me. When he's not feeling well he is extra-irritable too. He tends to see me as helpless when he's in this mood. For example, today he said I looked like I needed help with the laundry basket. But it's the way he says it -- accusatory, not helpful. All of this is far too difficult to explain. The bottom line is, he's not himself and neither am I. Still, there is work to be done and he's taking a nap now, so off I go. My Taxman will be home in a few hours and that is a good thing.

Note: I do NOT need help carrying a laundry basket.

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