Miss Hedgepenny's World

By MissHedgepenny

Homemade flowers

I tried to take pictures on the beach today but as it was a sunny day the places I wanted to photograph were covered in towels and kids. Luckily there was a church handy so I went in there....not another church I hear you say!

Waxham Church is very small and simple. The pews are plain, the walls are rough. It has no stained glass or impressive statements. What did strike me about it was that it had such a loved feel to it. There were lots of lovely homely touches around the place. A dish of shells on top of the font, and more shells along a window ledge. It seems a strange thing to find in a church but as this one is only yards from the sea it felt appropriate.

The flowers were all home done. Obviously I know that all church flowers are done by a nice lady of the parish but these looked like they had been grown in someone's garden. They were past their best and had a little puddle of rose petals on the floor beneath them, but they were still quite lovely. I could smell them from several feet away, I love the smell of roses, my late father used to grow them and my mother liked to cut them and put them in my room. I came away feeling very peaceful.

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