Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Hanging around

Callum runs around the garden after a fun morning at school. Reuben is asleep on the sofa after school, rare for him but no doubt due to his recovery from the general anesthesia following his MRI. I'm supposed to go back to UCLA school this evening for a discussion on the Individual Education Program (IEP), and to get some insight into how best to advocate for our kids with disabilities and whilst Reuben's no longer at this school, the information would have been useful as we are about to embark on the process again. That wasn't to be.

Shortly after this, I had another bad spell and a fever so laid in bed with a couple of duvets and blankets, full clothes and a hoody, shivering away and defying the reality that it was a hot summer day, whilst accompanied by a throat scraped with sandpaper and nausea. It's no fun.

Had some bad news this morning regarding my Scottish Auntie Angie who lives here in LA and it was hard to fight back the tears driving to school. The news got slightly better when I learnt she was to be released from hospital to a place of recouperation from pneumonia after a severe reaction to the antibiotics, but that the pneumonia was under control. I can't wait to see her once I'm back to strength. I am so very fond of her, so close to her and whilst my life with the boys makes it at times difficult to spend as much time as I'd like with her, when we are together as here we are nothing short of mother and daughter.

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