Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


Reuben gets some R&R. A simple Blip. There is great solace to be found by running my hands through his lovely strawberry blonde locks, hot and sticky from his day's play.

Both boys are thankfully well. Mama has chronic bronchitis and didn't realize that would account for fever, chills, general malaise, nausea and a sore throat. I guess if you're febrile, that will make you repeatedly nauseous. I also didn't think before how good icecream would feel on my throat and that's pretty much the sum of my diet now discovered. I'm grateful for the new Dr seeing me so quickly after rocky health for 2 months now, his empathy and the azithromycin, codeine and other bits.

The day had been very bleak house for me up til this evening and an unexpected text from a friend came at just the right time along with everyone else who's reached out to me today with thanks.

I later spoke to Auntie Angie in her step down facility as she recovers from pneumonia and typically, she deflected the attention. The thoughts that ran through my head upon hearing the news yesterday were immensely sad. But she's doing well. Reuben has repeated bouts of pneumonia but he's a lot better equipped to bounce back than my 81 year old auntie. Speaking to my cousin Barrie here in LA later, I was able to laugh that they were standing so close to me in line waiting for our x Factor auditions and that his son Cameron aged 13, an extremely accomplished musician, should have made it through to the 2nd round and me to the 3rd. Had I only known it would have been a great shared experience.


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