Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

The first day

He didn't look back after circle time and the most surprised of the two was Reuben, who signed Reuben to the teacher expecting his special song to be sung at that time. Alas. I guess a point was being made by his old teacher that Reuben has moved on. It was Callum who had the lovely new photo and name card, Callum who shrieked with delight at choosing to sing and sign the bus song over the fish song, Callum who said "bye byez" [sic] to me as I stepped out of the room and didn't look back at me, not for an instant, as he set about tearing the room up with excited shrieks and yells. He'll turn round, won't he?

When I watched them out in the playground before lunch, dappled light dancing under huge mature cedar trees resplendent with little purple springtime flowers, Callum was running around, fully exhibiting his 1.5 minute attention span, perfectly typical for his age. I think back to Reuben's first day, then unable to walk, but signing away like a trooper because of an exceptionable attention span and thirst for 1 on 1 learning with me. Just two little mornings a week at the special ed school for Callum where he'll be a typical role model ;-) Enough to balance his need for some independence from me with my longings to hold onto babyhood.

This, moments after we stepped outside after school. Do you think he had a lovely time?

I wonder what then possessed me to chase the boys around for an hour outside while I clicked away and then to take them to an indoor play area. Sweetly sleeping now, that bottle of Prosecco in the fridge has my name on it as I think about the Vegas Blipmeet we're planning this summer.

More to follow on a slideshow.. The Canon gobbled up its subjects and this a quick select and fix. Of course it goes agains the Rule of.. but rules are meant to broken. This was actually taken whilst I was doing my shark sign for the boys, complete with John Williams score.

And talking of creativity, I read it has been medically linked to schizophrenia.

"Creativity is uncomfortable. It is their dissatisfaction with the present that drives them on to make changes."

In good company. Over to you.

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