
By Ilaria

Do you think I was born yesterday???'d be right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Went to Pollock park after work this morning and had a truly brilliant time!!!! The Highland cattle and their calves were all down at the roadside fence munching the grass!! Took lots of shots of the lovely brown calves munching away!! I was about to leave when a ranger came along with their breakfast!! At that, other cattle from further up the field appeared and with them.....THIS little dark fellow!!!!!

Turns out he is only ONE DAY OLD!!!! Everyone go.....awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

He's dark and the ranger did tell me the breed, but after 4 nightshifts I was a bit brain dead....SORRY!!!!! Anyway....he is seriously cute, gorgeous, and amazing!!! And fair made a pleasant surprise and end to my 'day'!!!!

Off to bed now.....very tired!!!! Night.........................


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