Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax


You may be forgiven for thinking that this shot is an emergency blip because it features my back deck -- but au contraire. The shot was meticulously planned. Okay, it was not meticulously planned but it was planned.

I spotted this leaf -- a small one from the American sycamore tree -- and I guess a remnant from last fall. What struck me was the way it was lit by bands of light shining through from the upstairs deck. Of course, by the time I had finished my cigarette and gone to fetch the camera, the sun went behind a cloud. But I liked the flat light, no problems with burnt out highlights for a start.

I preferred the B&W version but my wife was taken by the colour version. Who am I to argue? :-)

The sun did appear a little later and I took some of the planned shots but none of them came out as well as this one.

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