An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Unexpected Bloomers...

Another hectic day but at least I'm blipping before my eyes are closing!! :)

When I got to work this morning the car park was busier than normal so not beinng able to park in my usual space facing the building, I parked at the other side, grumping to myself that I was further away from the entrance and it was raining!

But look what greeted me when I opened the car door....a gorgeous shrub full of these beautiful pink blooms.

What a lovely surprise it was as I've never noticed it before and I took a few minutes to soak in its beauty and delicious scent. It really lightened my mood and I found myself smiling.

I need to change parking spaces more often!

Right...dinner for the boy then off to visit mum in hospital. Might even try and photograph the gas tanks again on the way home! :)

Catch up with all your gorgeous blips later....

(ps oh and didn't mean to tease you all so much with the secret! Sorry but it's not mine to share! :)

***Typical...the nights I blip late I am scrambling around for something to photograph then on the day I upload my blip earlier than normal, later on I manage to snap a fab landscape with the Campsie Fells in the background that would have made a great blip! Tut! ***

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