my crazy world

By crazyworld

10k done !!


We done it ....the girls rocked today for sure. Here's us looking exhausted with our medals.

This was my first 10k definitely not my last though...remind me I said that !!....

Cancer research race for life events are always very atmospheric and emotional ...I was running this race with one of my best mates whose dad died sadly of this horrible disease at the beginning of the year to name just one of the many that's suffered.

The messages on peoples backs...who they're running for always gets to me ...their parents ...their kids ...sometimes even themselves.
Had trained somewhat for this but for the.first section of the race got stuck in with the "walkers" but once we had freed ourselves some space we were off.

The last 2k seemed to go on forever but I had a burst of energy training didn't amount to nothing !...and legged it to the finish line but stopped just before it cos waited for Sarah cos was so proud of her and all that she's been through that we crossed the finish line hand in hand.

I thought I would sob at the finish but I was really happy to just cross that pink finish line!

Was full of energy straight after the race but this afternoon been a bit of a killer ...think its time for a hot bath.

Thanks for all the positive messages ....they worked !

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