Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

Force of the waves

Today is Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Finals series so its off to the Kensington Tavern we are all going again. But first Mrs O and I trot off to the Dunedin Farmers Market at the railway station to get some lovely looking fruit and veggies as well as some nice cheese, yum yum.
Then its off to catch up with some friends that we havent seen in about 15 years, thats such a disgrace to be able to say that, 15 years is way too long. Anyway one thing led to another as it sometimes does and we ended up having a whiskey tasting session about 10.45 in the morning. Nothing wrong with that is there??
In between we had ventured out to St Clair to see just how big the waves that everyone was talking about were, they were huge!!!

It got me thinking...........

How is it that we all have friends that, regardless of how often you see them, we can just slip back into our friendship as if it was yesterday. What a special thing it is to have friends like this.
I can guarantee that it wont be 15 more years before we sit down to another fact.....Ive got some duty free from our trip to Sydney somewhere and after all its after lunch.

P.S. go the Canucks

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