Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

Aftershock in Christchurch

Was sitting watching the NBA finals and contemplating a trip to the gym and then a blip on the way home when I felt an aftershock. Thats not good as Im 400km from Christchurch. Im on twitter (@OtagoLad) and my twitter stream just lit up with comments about a huge shake. That was at 1pm, at 2.20pm I felt another much bigger one. They have had numerous quakes this afternoon and it sounds like the city is in a state of chaos, power and phone and water out and bridges down. As yet no sign of any deaths and I pray it stays this way.

The list of earthquakes are as follows:

1.00pm Magnitude 5.5
1.08pm Magnitude 4.4
1.28pm Magnitude 3.4
2.20pm Magnitude 6.0
2.40pm Magnitude 4.9
2.50pm Magnitude 3.4
3.08pm Magnitude 3.7
Its now 3.47pm and, touch wood, nothing since but its inevitable there will be more today.

It got me thinking...........

I know so many people in Christchurch, having been a resident until February 22nd, that Im really scared for them all and all those Blippers that live there. I hope and pray you are all ok. Know we are all thinking of you all..........

The image is the Earthquake drum readout off the Geonet website. Shows the calm before the storm. Earthquake details here

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