Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Storm Clouds Gather

I had just lined up a nice shot of shadows of the leaves of a canna lily and a tree and was about to press the shutter when everything faded from view. The sun had gone behind a cloud.

I looked up at the sky to see if the interlude was going to be short or lengthy one. I am afraid it was the latter. Thunderstorms had been forecast for this afternoon and cumulus clouds were steadily building up.

Having just covered the sun, the clouds dissipated the sun's rays like searchlight beams, which looked like the makings of an interesting photograph. You be the judge.

I had a back up shot taken indoors and was quite taken by it but, as my wife rightly pointed out, I could do that another day. The clouds were a one-off.

Sure enough the storm came. It was heralded by a clap of thunder directly over the house, which almost made me jump from my seat. Two hours on and it is still raining. The rain is much needed as it is in a lot of places across the southern United States. I just wish it hadn't come when we have to do grocery shopping. Maybe in another 30 minutes it will be finished.

B&W conversion in Silver Efex Pro.

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