Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Just H...

...just thinking.

Thanks for all the lovely comments on my still life work recently. I nearly blipped another tonight but I can almost hear my mother saying, 'Enough with the arty stuff already...give me my grandchildren.' She *isn't* a Jewish mother by the way, but could probably pass the required exams without revising ;-)

Work this morning. My first patient had cancelled and the lovely practice manager rang me last night to inform me that I therefore wouldn't need to rush in this morning. 'Hey Henry, I can take you to school,' I said.

'That's great mummy. I need to be there at 8.30 though because we're practising for a concert.'

So I got to take him in for 8.30am then thought, Well I might as well go straight to work now, and still got there at my usual time! There is no justice in this world!

I have a new consulting room. It's only temporary but it's very nice, bright and clean and the final one will be even better :-)

This afternoon I've been mother to 'cling-on' child, who has a cold and doesn't like to suffer alone.

He is also insanely jealous if I help H with his music practice. I'm peering over H's shoulder to answer some query or other and suddenly 'I NEED YOUR ATTENTION...NOW MOTHER...RIGHT NOW...THIS IS URGENT...LIFE-THREATENING EVEN...THE MARBLE IS STUCK IN THE MARBLE RUN...DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO HIM...IT'S MEEEEEE WHO'S IMPORTANT...etc. etc. etc.'

How H manages to concentrate I have no idea. He asked me to video him tonight so he could see which bits of the piece he's currently working on needed attention. All we could hear on playing it back was, 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...MARBLE....MARBLE...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....MUMMMEEEEEEEEEEE.'

Good job H isn't precious about it all...well...that bit anyway. He did throw a hissy fit later because he couldn't get a trill right...sigh. Does anyone want to adopt one noisy and one highly strung child. They are both photogenic so would suit a keen blipper!?

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