shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Wandering around Stirling

I had all kinds of great plans for this morning, involving having a bit of a long lie, then going and taking some photos in Stirling before work (I was starting late, hence the possibility), but sat up far too late last night, then had to go to the PO collection depot then got caught by a ridiculously slow driver changeover, so didn't get my photo walk before work. So I decided on the way to the station to go and have a wee wander, it was cloudy and looked like I could get some atmospheric shots and I did. An hour and a half later I looked at my watch and realised that I'd been up at the top of Stirling for quite some time. I was shooting in RAW as well as JPEG for the first time, of which I am incredibly glad, because I realised half way through that I'd forgotten to change the WB and it was still set to indoor lighting from Saturday night! But a drop down menu and it's fixed! I need to play with my shots, I was shooting around the Church of the Holy Rude and Valley Cemetery, and really like the look of some of the shots, but it will take a while to go through them. They'll go on Flickr when I'm happy! This is one of the view the other way, no playing with it done yet, need an early night tonight!

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