an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Bean Picker

Thursday is veg box day and today we got broad beans. Toddler likes it when we get beans because she loves to shell them.

So her and Wife sat on the kitchen floor and shelled away to their hearts content and then we had them for dinner. I managed to get a shot of Toddler really concentrating on the shelling.

Toddler was clearly full of beans after dinner as it took an hour to get her to go to bed as she insisted on pretending to read the back of her snowman book out loud.

Apparently this is what it said
"Every snowman has been lost to be melted, so that was fun.
But now the boy was sad, see he was sad. That was why he was sad, because he didn't have another snowman today or the Saturday or the next day or the other day or the other day tonight.
With every snowman he looked after and then he got mel mel....ted tonight and tomorrow and on Saturday."

Sounds like an good read doesn't it. I prefer the film myself, Bowie is in that.

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