
By Viewpoint

Spikey - how I'm feeling tonight!

I've just had a very stressful day working working through some submissions that simply don't add up! Thank goodness I'm not 58 or otherwise I might have to keep working until I'm in my dotage - there are some advantages to being a baby boomer. I was hoping for a better evening and maybe a trip out but it was not to be. I did get to buy fish from Carl, our Grimsby fish merchant, though I forgot to take my camera out with me. Drat!

So tonight we have spikes.

I might retire to bed shortly to read my book. I'm reading Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's, `Half of a yellow sun' which I'm enjoying though I suspect it will turn pretty grim before long as it tells the story of Biafra. I first came across Chimamanda via a TED talk called The danger of a single story, which is pretty powerful stuff in it's own right.

By for now - I will catch up on commenting shortly.

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