On My Doorstep

By bwhere

It isn't what it seems ...

When I was a lad my mother & father took me to an uncle who lived at North Piddle and had a small holding. It was a memorable day out not least because this uncle produced an air rifle that I was allowed to use.

From that time I wanted an air rifle of my own and I tormented my parents to buy me one. This they eventually did but before the air rifle I was given an air gun.

Once grown up I still had the same inkling and I bought more sophisticated air weapons. These I used to entertain visitors having made something to shoot against in the back garden. It was great fun and much enjoyed.

I had imagined that I would hand on my meagre arsenal but I think that times have changed and it is time to sell it to a reputable dealer. My understanding is that a licence is not needed for such low powered items but they now have to be sold face-to-face. So ebay isn't an option. Pity.

To be honest, it will be a wrench as I enjoyed exercising the skill of aiming, firing and attempting to correct my aim.

But there you go .....

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