just allan

By allan

A city of shifting light

More Edinburgh worship. This quote from Alexander McCall Smith graces a disused building that faces onto beautiful old Jenners, which is visible in shadow across the bottom of the picture. You can't argue, really.

I made my 11 mile ride this morning in 17.3mph average, which just about killed me. The difference between 39 minutes and 38 minutes is large. After an early start to finish some work, I realised after sending the email that I just had enough time to make the 10.32 train.

<Nerd alert!>
I used the tri-bars for most of the journey for the first time, head down and counting the pedal strokes up to 3000 before I got there. Which (for you cycling nerds) means I averaged about a 74 inch gear (== 234 inches per pedal == 6.2 feet per pedal). Now, for you singlespeed nerds (you know who you are) that's a little stiffer than 40/15 on a 700c wheel. Not bad for an old lad ;)
</Nerd alert!>

Home now with 2 of the children and Sports Day at school tomorrow. Let's hope the shifting light shifts and gives us sunshine!

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