campervan man

By campervan

All That Jazz

Sunday Lunchtime jazz at the Ravenswood.
Got there a bit later than usual and it was standing room only. We were still the youngest there, until reluctant grandchildren were dragged in. W1 grabbed the stairs to sit on and the four of us had a really good view and were not getting pushed and shoved as people made their way to the bar( good fun ordering as the beer was "not working". Any request for a pint resulted in the barman having to walk to the other end of the hotel. I thought it was funny. I was in the minority)

Took quite a few nice pictures but this one appealed to me. Don't know what I did, it was not meant to look like this but I think it gives a feel for the music.

If you are in the area its a nice chill out few hours; blazing log fire, good food and, if you?re lucky, beer

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