With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

In orbit

Oh dear! 6am and I was not rested in the slightest. I took a tablet to ease the ridiculous pain, Ben appeared and without a word made me a cup of tea and curled up with me on the sofa. I'm afraid that was it until I could get down to the PAC and get a prescription for muscle relaxants etc etc. A strange and rather depressing feeling of deja vue, though I'm sure this time it's just stupid tension and muscles. Trapped nerve anyhow. Very sad I couldn't get in to work and sort things out, let alone spend my last day of the year with my colleagues.

However, I have had my toenails done, have eaten roast chicken, got the boys to bed and although the first day of their holidays was spent in medical surroundings, they didn't seem to mind much. And this documentary on the Hubble telescope kept us fascinated and distracted. Sorry, can't type any more. Dead left hand. Feeling a bit spacey. Have a great Friday everyone....

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