While on my runs

By waipushrink

A happy couple

Unknown to me, and seen quite by chance as I ran past in the middle of the day.

When I set out on my run I had in mind that I would get a picture of the yachts in the Westhaven Marina, with the Harbour Bridge behind. As I went through Victoria Park on the way there, I was attracted by the odd sight of a man doing sit ups in the children's playground almost under the swings, with nary a child to be seen. Pleased with the shot, But.

Did also have good lighting and a good tide for the planned shot. Then just around the corner, feeling satisfied, there were these two and their photographers. Just as they were attracted by the backdrop of the yachts for their wedding pictures, so was I. I presume that they are here as what is called wedding tourists.

I caught the eye of the bride, showed her my camera, and signalled my intent. She smiled approval, and there you have it.

There are millions of dollars tied up at the berths in this marina; those you can see are not the most expensive.

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