Some light at the end of the tunnel

Somehow I should be used to the chaotic haphazard beast that is our weather in Scotland. I was speaking to a man in Barcelona today and we both knew that in theory over there it will be hot, over here it will not. Except today it was, yesterday dreadful, today beautiful.

Somehow however, it always manages to surprise me, the erratic one day fine the next day blimey.

I truthfully should be sorting out the two pairs of shorts and several tshirts I need for the planned holiday in the next few days. Badminton wrapped up for another season with partial badminton partial social evening with some fish and chips from the local chippy. It was very nice indeed. We had been asked for our preference for wine last week. Well if it is going to with chips, it has to be red. Naturally.

On a bit of a high after the games, I could seriously play three times a week like I did when I was younger. I'll be doing some badminton training sessions with the girls for the next couple of weeks but am going to be needing some fitness on my return.


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