Zeitgeist London

By zeitgeistlondon

On Yer Bike

This is a mate of mine, Jim. He loves his bike and recently took part in the "Tweed Run" in London. Basically, it's a social ride around town dressed in "old-fashioned" tweed, and by all accounts a rather jolly time was had by all.

Jim was asked by the organiser to take part in a special Tweed Run in Florence recently too, as a promo for Woolmark, and I believe he even made the pages of Italian Vogue.

Not surprising - he's a handsome bugger and rather photogenic - so I asked if he wouldn't mind modelling for me for a special project I have on the go. Luckily for me, he agreed.

So today I popped over to his place to check out his bike, his tweeds, and a couple of test shots.

I think it's going to work out just fine!

(You can check out the Tweed Run website HERE.)

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