Turning handsprings...

...with happiness.

My little boy is happy again. Amazing what a heart-to-heart with your parents and teacher can do.

What a nasty little piece of work the girl in his class is. We've learned all sorts of stuff tonight that H hadn't mentioned before...because he didn't think it was important.

The teacher admitted that she sits H next to this girl all day every day because he's so calm and deals with her so well. In other words he's less likely to thump her than some of the other children! Bob pointed out that while this undoubtedly makes her life easier it hardly seems fair on poor old H! She agreed and said she hadn't realised that he was bottling it all up and feeling victimised because he's so mature about it all in school.

Anyway...all sorted now. She's promised him he won't have to sit next to her at all now...YAY. He's very happy and knows that she'll be watching out for him.

Other news...the average age of my patients in clinic today was 87...that's the average folks!!! Oldest was 94. Why do little old ladies like me so much? They're very sweet but sooooo exhausting to deal with en masse.

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