
By Jamjar

Wind Turbine Syndrome

There may or may not be such a syndrome according to which report you read, and of course pro-wind farm sources are going to say that there isn 't, but we believe that there is.

Since 'our' turbines began turning about three months ago Steve has been experiencing dizziness/vertigo, breathlessness/tight chest, earache and sometimes heart palpitations - all symptoms of WTS. He's been to see the ENT specialist at the hospital, who says that there's nothing at all wrong with his ears, but there must be something wrong because he gets sharp pains in them! We went to the village doctor again last week and he says that it could be the turbines...

According to some of the articles I've read you should live at least 7 miles away from wind turbines to avoid WTS, so goodness knows what we're going to do.

I haven't put any links. If you're interested you are quite capable of Googling.

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