Ina's Snippets

By ina

Exciting and not so exciting!

"Don't miss a rainbow because you're looking down;
look up and see it."

-- Author unknown--


So many things happening in one day... some exciting, some not :)

Not so exciting: - Mr Snippets car gave him problems today - something to do with a water pipe and the turbo :( He just got it back from the Volvo dealer last week when they replaced the turbo. The tow truck took the car back to Volvo garage and I picked up Mr Snippets & son :)

Exciting! - I also got my new mobile phone today - it is not the best, the latest in technology, the most hip or the most expensive - those things don't matter to me anymore - I have nothing to proof. I just want something lightweight, easy to use and it must have a good camera - of course! :) It's less obvious to take a candid blip with a mobile phone - you know what I mean! Oh! You only get it in blue and red - thought the red one will make "Hot" blips :)

Exciting! - I also blipped my first rainbow today! Had trouble to get the camera to focus, but it was good enough to share with you. Maybe I zoomed in to much, will try again next time!

Enjoy your weekend!


"Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind."

~Dr. Seuss~

Thanks for your visit :))

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