Ina's Snippets

By ina

-:: a special sunset ::-

"A healthy attitude is contagious
but don't wait to catch it from others.
Be a carrier."

-- Author unknown--


Sunset taken at 5.54pm

Snippets Junior the 2nd, phoned me yesterday to tell me he found the perfect spot to capture sunset - and right that moment, he said, what he saw was magnificent. He was on the road with his friends and had to stop to call me (they were on their bikes) - I could almost hear the beauty of sunset coming through his voice.

I made a point today to be at that exact spot as he suggested and this is the result! Awesome!

When he is over the "friends" and "teenager" stage, I want to get him to blip as well. He has a good eye for photography and see beauty in many things - he is only 16... ok ok ok, like they say - "I'm almost 17!" And right he is... only 3 months to go :)

Thank you Jacques! This blip is so much more special because you had a part in it! Thank you for sharing this beauty with me.
I love you!

SUNSET BEFORE CROPPING ** Sunset a few minutes before this one

(Power-cut 6-10am)


"He who is not courageous enough to take risks
will accomplish nothing in life."

~Muhammad Ali~[/i]

Your visit, as always, is the highlight of my day! Thanks for being here :)

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