simple moments

By simplemoments

pink wonder

before the day got too hot, i took to the garden park... i also arrived before it was crowded with other people - wanting to run, bike and climb... so in the quiet, i was able to be alone with my own thoughts... relish nature - the buzzing of insects, the chirping of birds i couldn't see and watch reflections of the sun bounce off trees and rock.

i was just about to try and get a shot off a distant bird, when i glanced over to my right. i was awestruck... usually the rocks are red or red-brown in color, hence called red rocks. however, the sun had come to a place in the sky where it was hitting the rock and glistening with the gold in them - causing the most incredible pink hue i've seen. my breath caught in my throat... i forgot about the bird... then i remembered my camera! ooh, ooh... i wondered if i would be able to capture what i was seeing with my new toy. i had to try...

so this picture is straight out of the camera other than just a tiny bit of cropping - and i mean tiny. the only thing i'm disappointed with is that i didn't get the "glistening" of gold flecks in the rock... not sure why... but i did get the rich pink color so overall, am really pleased. pleased for once what my eye saw, the camera captured... boo!

that makes for a very

happy day.....

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