simple moments

By simplemoments

deer crossing...

...right in front of me

wasn't expecting that! in fact, it rather startled me... it shouldn't have. i was deer stalking after all - and talking to it, too! what did i think was going to happen? i should know better by now, right?

it began innocently enough... she was eating weeds - but was too far away for a decent shot. so i began to stalk and talk... i figure every girl deserves to be told they look good: are pretty - have never been better - have the most beautiful eyes and longest lashes - the most adorable face ever... all girls love compliments. she was no different.

before i knew it, she had turned and was making her way towards me. i was armed with nothing but my camera and my voice... i wondered how close she'd come so i kept talking not fully recognizing that i could've been in harms way. that never occurred to me. i was more in awe that she made eye contact, maintained it for what seemed like a really long time while sauntering towards me and while i bantered away foolishly... oh, and snapped like a crazy woman!

then... suddenly, the spell was broken and her gaze faltered... walking away from me, she turned her head back for a last look and i told her to be safe, to stay off the road and remember what an amazing creature she will always be...

it's so important to tell those in our lives they are beautiful and pay them compliments... be they men or women - we all like to hear it... so go now - give a wonderful word to someone special - or a hug - so they will know... and it will be a

happy day.....

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