simple moments

By simplemoments


...yup, he's talking back to me - do you see?

i know you all think i make it up... when i talk about talking to the animals and how they respond to me? but finally, i have proof... i managed to capture it - yay!

i saw this guy - he came out of the bushes towards me today. again, i was thrilled... awed at the beauty before me. i began chatting at him, realizing that the boys like compliments, too. go figure. he actually batted his eyes at me - i swear it... boo! and then he began to walk away. well, i wasn't ready for him to be gone so quickly... so i called to him - to come back...

...and here he is - turning his head in answer to my call, mouth open in response, answering me that he'd stay a while longer. which he did... for several more minutes so i could snap a few more pics, revel in his magnificent glory and chat about this and that. he found a full bush of lush little flowers to munch on, then trotted off...

i will never grow tired of my animal interactions - no matter how seemingly goofy or farfetched to others they may appear... i do little joy dances every time they happen for they always make for a

happy day.....

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