hello again

By admirer


all. I want you to know that through Blipperworld I feel stimulated to try to make better photos than I ever knew I would like to make.

On our tour this morning we stopped for a moment at another pond, this one is located in the dunes. There is also a heron (in Holland there are herons everywhere), two coots, two ducks, and a mass of water lilies.
Swimming in the sea is delicious now, afterwards a conversation with a man with dog, who stated as a first sentence, I am nearly born in the sea. This was before World War II, he said.
Coming here everyday now, I realise that the shore was forbidden to enter during the war, I am not sure for how long, but it gives me an odd feeling. There is history right at this place, the Atlantique Wall build by the Germans for the moment the Allied Forces would invade at the Dutch beach.
We cycle north and wait for a friend at "The Kwartel" a cosy beach-tent. Have some coffee, the friend has forgotten us. Next time better?

The haiku is:

Early walk to the green covered pond
The leaves of the waterlilies
The coot begins to eat.

And the proverb from the book, I first wanted one from under the head "Wait" but then I found this one nicer, Latin.

Before supper, walk a little, after supper, do the same.

I am glad I can do that whenever I wish. Happy Willemien.

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