hello again

By admirer

The blue skies are coming every day now and wake us up early. That is a good thing!
Then cycle to the sea and are the first again, after swimming in the fresh water we notice the arriving of all the dogs and their parents. They chat (the parents) together and the dogs, some jump in the water, some just look, many play together. One just sits till she gets water from a bottle.
We walk to the south till the Zandmotor. Binocular makes it possible to see the thousands of cormorants and gulls at the bay.

The haiku I made home:

Transparant water
makes my leg vibrate
of the sea-gull the wing

I think that haiku and photography can go together well, because the association a photo can summon in us van be the same in the little poem. There is a void in the text that evolkes a feeling, perhaps.

And the proverb from the book reveals the following:

The sea washes away all human ills.

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