Displacement activities

By Detritus

Breathing space.

Needed to be somewhere wide open.

Not really represented in this shot, as:

1. I thought I had the 17-40 with me, but only had the 50mm;
2. I really wanted to catch the dramatic sky - it being in the wrong place was something I was prepared to overlook.

This was taken as I took Lil out in what looked like a break in the rain. Only a brief pause, so we got very wet. Lil now stinks, doubly so as she is as I type farting emphatically.

Mrs Me is working nights at the moment, so I did the Dad=taxi thing this morning, before carting girl off to the shops and post office, to buy comfort foods (pizza and popcorn) and collect my parcel of books from the post office.

Watched "My neighbour Totoro" with girl. I'm persuaded that Studio Ghibli is the equal better of Disney. Proper animated kids stuff, without the subservient "girls must grow up and catch a rich prince" bollocks.

Things a little easier since my last Blip. Whilst our family is rather broken, at least the uncertainty has gone reducing the tension.

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